Trophies and Additional Certificates


Congratulations to all the winners in the 2024 Aster Advertising Awards! Any award winners can order award trophies. You can also order additional certificates as well as awards certificate binders. Customizing the trophies and certificates are a great way to recognize individuals, departments, institutions or agencies for their hard work! Make sure to double-check the spelling as it will appear as entered on the trophy or certificates.

Trophy Size – 11”h
It is a beautiful gold metal star on a wood base.


The first two lines will be reserved for 2025 Aster Awards and the award received. You can customize your trophy with up to four lines with a max of 30 characters per line.
(30 character max)
(optional, 30 character max)
(optional, 30 character max)
(optional, 30 character max)
You can customize each section of the Reprint Certificates with up to three lines with a max of 38 characters per line.
(38 character max)
(optional, 38 character max)
(38 character max)
(38 character max)
(38 character max)
Display your certificates in this beautiful, black binder! There are 24 sleeves with room to display up to 48 certificates.
Product total
Options total
Grand total
SKU: AsterAwardProduct1 Category: